Last year’s 6th Annual Lovie Awards was bigger than ever, with a record number of entries from nearly 30 countries. We saw winners like AI pioneer Yann LeCun, Annie Lennox and director Romain Gavras.
As the Internet continues to grow and new technologies emerge, we’re expanding our categories so we can best celebrate the amazing work created for Europe. From a suite of new honours for Podcasts, to Social Video Series, Cause Marketing and beyond, read about some of this year’s new categories and enter the 7th Annual Lovie Awards for the chance to be recognised as the best of the European Internet.
New Lovie Awards Categories for 2017
Podcasts (Mobile Sites, Apps & Podcasts)
To meet the explosive growth of the mobile Internet and incredible digital audio content, The Lovies has added an entirely new suite of honours for Podcasts. With categories like Best Host, Best Individual Episode, Best Interview/Talk Show, Sports and Entertainment, The Lovies is thrilled to recognise the most memorable, informative and compelling shows of the year.
Best Social Video Series (Social Excellence)
The creative community is constantly evolving and so are we. This year, we’re honouring social media experiences that prominently feature the use of video (fashion, sports, humour, art etc.) as a series. It’s platform agnostic but the video must be integrated into the experience and not embedded as a link. Enter any and all social media that best exemplify your work!
Video Advertising (Online Advertising)
The new video honours don’t stop there. We’re also excited to expand our Online Advertising category with honours for Video Advertising. Whether short form (:30 or less) or long form (over :30), we want to see the stellar online ads your brand made this year.
Corporate Social Responsibility (Internet Video + Branded Entertainment)
This one is for all the brands wielding their audience and influence for good. Enter this year in the brand new Internet Video category of Corporate Social Responsibility. We’re excited to honour inspiring branded video content that promotes a company or organisation’s mission to improve social and civil life.
Events (Social Content & Marketing)
Live events are ripe for social content. And we want to see your awesome social executions. Enter social media accounts created or carried out on behalf of an organisation/institution or brand, devoted to promoting and generating engagement around events and/or to promoting and hosting live events online. Platform agnostic.
Enter The Lovie Awards by the Extended Entry Deadline of Friday, 28 July.